Homeoprophylaxis Facts
Homeoprophylaxis, also called HP, is the use of highly diluted substances for the purpose of educating the immune system in a gentle, non-toxic way. These are completely natural; contain no foreign cells, no antibiotics, no preservatives, no adjuvents, and no chemicals of any kind.
The goal of HP is to orally introduce safe, homeopathic versions of particular diseases in order to naturally stimulate the immune system. As a result, susceptibility to targeted diseases can be reduced and the immune system supported in its natural development.

Who Can Benefit from Homeoprophylaxis?
- Children for childhood illnesses
- Everyone for epidemic and pandemic protection (influenza included)
- Children and adults traveling to foreign countries
Why Homeoprophylaxis?
- There’s a safe way to acquire immunity naturally without the risks of vaccination.
- This method has a 200 year history
- Used around the world and endorsed by some governments
- Never caused any death, injury, or damage
- As effective or more effective than conventional vaccines
- prevents the threat of epidemics
Homeoprophylaxis Facts and Myths
Many people are concerned about vaccines and do not vaccinate. If you’re not going to vaccinate, you need to be educated on alternatives. Doing nothing is just not an option, that’s a risk nobody should have to take. Below are some basic facts about Homeoprophylaxis and potentially what it can do for you.
Vaccine Exemptions
If you have decided not to vaccinate you’re not alone. People all over the country look for exemptions from getting mandatory vaccinations. Exemptions include medical, religious and philosophical reasons. Below is a chart for your consideration:
Compare and Contrast
Even though many have called HP the vaccine alternative, there’s nothing that does exactly what a vaccine does.
On the other hand, there’s nothing that does exactly what Homeoprophylaxis does either. Homeoprophylaxis is very effective in what it does. Homeoprophylaxis is quite strong. Studies suggest ~ 90% effectiveness. This is equivalent to and/or surpasses most vaccines.
What diseases does Homeoprophylaxis cover?
There are two categories to cover here. One which involved childhood diseases, the other involved travel into places where certain diseases are endemic, or native to a certain area. If you enjoy travel, this is a list you should be aware of.
Travel HP
- Tropical diseases
- Exposure & susceptibility
- Observed for 200 years
- Easy to administer
- Dose 200c potency to last 2-4 weeks
What’s Good Research?
- A variety of methods are important. HP includes prospective and retrospective cohort studies, questionnaire studies, descriptive studies, & two centuries of clinical observation.
- Studies over long periods of time are also convincing. 200 years of clinical observation of epidemics show consistent results.
Some Studies for Reference:
~Leptospirosis -Bracho, Dr. Gustavo: “Homeoprophylaxis Evidences from basic research and practical applications” HRI Barcelona June 2013
~Isaac Golden’s – Childhood Disease – Golden, Isaac. “Homeoprophylaxis-A Fifteen Year Clinical Study: A Statistical Review of Efficacy and Safety of Long Term Homeoprophylaxis. Gisborne. Vic. 2004
~Tropical disease (Sheffield)
~Meningitis – Mroninski, Adriano, Mattos. Homeopathic Links, Winter 2001, Vol 14(4)
~Dr. R Rejikumar, Dr. R S Dinesh et al. A Study on the Prophylactic Efficacy of Homoeopathic Preventive Medicine Against Chikungunya Fever. http://www.similima.com/pdf/efficacy-chiunguna-kerala.pdf
~ii Hahnemann S. 1801. Cure and Prevention of Asiatic Cholera, p.755, The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann, republished by B. Jain Publishers, 1993, New Dehli.
~iii Von Boenninghausen, C. Baron.1984. Bönninghausens Kleine medizinische Schriften [Lesser Medical Writings] (ed. Klaus H. Gypser), Heidelberg, 1984.
~iv Bradford, T. L., (Compiled by) 1900. The Logic of Figures or Comparative Results of Homeopathic and Other Treatments. p.130. Philadephia: Boericke and Tafel. Reprinted by Nabu Public Domain Reprints. 2010. (Original Bradford source: North American Journal of Homeopathy, volume 4, p.298.)
~v Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy. CCRH News 1996-1997.
~vi WHO Fact Sheet: Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever http://www.who.int/inffs/en/fact117.html .
~vii Marino R (2008). Homeopathy and collective health: The case of dengue epidemics. International Journal of High Dilution Research; 7(25): 179-185.
~viii Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e Higiene da Prefeitura de São José do Rio Preto. Informe Técnico – 21/03/2007. 2007.
~ix Marino R (2008). Homeopathy and collective health: The case of dengue epidemics. International Journal of High Dilution Research; 7(25): 179-185. (http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/viewFile/312/373)
~x de Souza Nunes LA (2008). Contribution of homeopathy to the control of an outbreak of dengue in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. International Journal of High Dilution Research; 7(25): 186-192.
~xi Dengue and Homeopathy: a successful experience from Macae http://www.ecomedicina.com.br/site/conteudo/entrevista22.asp
~xii Sri Lanka Daily News: Homeopathy to Treat Dengue http://archives.dailynews.lk/2010/08/04/news52.asp
~xiii The Hindu: Keep Dengue at Bay with Homeopathy http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Madurai/article3531685.ece
~xiv The Hindu: Homeopathy Camp for Dengue http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/article3553076.ece
~xv The Hindu: Homeopathy to fight dengue fever http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-andhrapradesh/homeop…
~xvi Homeopathy is a new challenger for Dengue http://www.punemirror.in/article/2/20121110201211100842483927ea199fd/Hom…
~xvii The Hindu: Dengue fever- homeopathy camps evoke good response http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/dengue-fever-homoeopathy-camps-evoke-good response/article4155839.ece
~xviii The Times of India: Dengue menace – Homeopathic remedy explored http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-09-12/guwahati/42007941…
~xix Ministry to try homeopathy in Sing Buri to fight dengue http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Ministry-to-try-homeopathy-in-S…30229320.html
~xx Chavanon, P. 1952. La Dipterie, 4th Ed, St Denis, Niort: Imprimerie.
~xxi Patterson, J. and Boyd, W.E. Potency Action: A Preliminary Study of the Alternation of the Schick Test by a Homeopathic Potency. British Homeopathic Journal. 1941; 31: pp.301-309.
~xxii Eizayaga. F. Tratamiento Homeopatico de las Enfermedades Agudas y Su Prevension. Homeopatia. 1985; 51(324): pp. 352-362.
~xxiii Protective Efficacy of “Genus Epidemicus” (Homeopathic Preventative) Administered During Epidemic Fever in Kerala http://www.homoeopathy.kerala.gov.in/docs/jan2011/raech_report.pdf
~xxiv Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991.
~xxv Krishnamurthy, Report on the use of Influenzinum during the outbreak of epidemic in India in 1968. Hahnemannian Gleanings 1970;37:225-6.
~xxvi Glatthaar-Saalmuller B (2007). In vitro evaluation of the antiviral effects of the homeopathic preparation Gripp-Heel on selected respiratory viruses. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology; 85(11): 1084-1090.
~xxvii Roeska, K and Seilheimer, B. Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2010, 8:6 http://www.jibtherapies.com/content/8/1/6
~xxviii Lyrio C, Siqueira CM, Veiga VF, Homsani F, Marques AL, Biolchini J, Dantas F, de Matos HJ, Passos SRL, Couceiro JN, Holandino C (2011). The use of homeopathy to prevent symptoms of human flu and acute respiratory infections: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 600 children from Brazilian public health service. International Journal of High Dilution Research; 10(36): 174-176. http://www.feg.unesp.br/~ojs/index.php/ijhdr/article/view/499/513
~xxix The Hindu: Japanese Encephalitis on the decline in State http://www.hindu.com/2003/04/02/stories/2003040204970400.htm
~xxx Golden, I. 2010. Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis: A Review of the Risks and Alternatives. 7th Edition. Isaac Golden Publications.
~xxxi Bandyopadhyay B, Das S, Sengupta M, Saha C, Das KC, Sarkar D, Nayak C (2010). Decreased intensity of Japanese encephalitis virus infection in chick chorioallantoic membrane under the influence of ultra diluted belladonna extract. American Journal of Infectious Diseases; 6(2): 24-28.
~xxxii Bracho G, Varela E, Fernández R, et al. Large-scale application of highly-diluted bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control. Homeopathy 2010; 99: 156-166.
~xxxiii A Reevaluation of the Effectiveness of Homoeoprophylaxis Against Leptospirosis in Cuba in 2007 and 2008 http://chp.sagepub.com/content/19/3/155
~xxxiv Partington, T. Silent and Deadly: Prophylaxis and Treatment of Malaria. Homeopathy in Practice, 2006, pp.14-19.
~xxxvThe Use of Homeopathic Prophylaxis and Treatment For Malaria in Endemic Areas Of Kenya (Part 2) http://hpathy.com/homeopathy-papers/the-use-of-homeopathic-prophylaxis-a…
~xxxvi Efficacy of Chininum Sulph 200C in the prevention of malaria – An Operational Research Study. State Health Resource Centre, Chhattisgarh. http://www.shsrc.org/Downloads/Chininum%20-Final%20-(17June13).pdf
~xxxvii Rajan A, Bagai U. Antimalarial potential of China 30 and Chelidonium 30 in combination therapy against lethal rodent malaria parasite: Plasmodium berghei. Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23652641
~xxxviii Bagai U, Walter NS.Antiplasmodial potential of homeopathic drugs Chelidonium and nosode against Plasmodium berghei infection.Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25046315
~xxxix Castro, D. & Nogueira, G. G. (1975). Use of the nosode Meningococcinum as a preventative against meningitis. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1975 Dec 68 (4), 211-219.
~xl Mronisnski C, Adriano E & Mattos G. (1998/99) Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against Meningococcal disease, Homeopathic Links, Vol 14 Winter 2001, 230-234.
~xli Currim, A.M. Ed. 1996. The Collected Works of Arthur Grimmer, M.D. Norwalk and Greifenberg: Hahnemann International Institute for Homeopathic Documentation.
~xlii Taylor-Smith, A. “Poliomyelitis and prophylaxis. British Homeopathic Journal, 1950 Apr;40(2):65-77
~xliii Eisfelder, H. “Poliomyelitis Immunization: A Final Report.” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy. V. 54, Nov-Dec 1961, pp. 166-167.
~xliv Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991.
~xlv Treatise on Homeopathic Medicine by Francisco Eizayaga, MD, published by Ediciones Maracel, Buenos Aires, Brazil, 1991.
~xlvi Hahnemann S. 1801. Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever, p. 369-384, The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann, republished by B. Jain Publishers, 1993, New Dehli.
~xlvii Dudgeon R. E. 1853. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homeopathy, p.541,2. Republished by B. Jain Publishers, 2002, New Dehli.
~xlviii Hufeland. 1828.Prophylactic Power of Belladonna in Scarlet Fever, Hufeland’s Journal.
~xlix Von Boenninghausen, C. Baron. Vide Concerning the Curative Effects of Thuja in Smallpox. Lesser Writings.
~ Eaton, C.W. Variolinum. Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 1907. P. 547-567.
~li Glatthaar-Saalmuller B (2007). In vitro evaluation of the antiviral effects of the homeopathic preparation Gripp-Heel on selected respiratory viruses. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology; 85(11): 1084-1090.
~lii Roeska, K and Seilheimer, B. Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2010, 8:6 http://www.jibtherapies.com/content/8/1/6
~liii Shepherd, D., (1967). Homeopathy in epidemic diseases (First ed.). Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Company Limited. p.18.
~liv English, J.M. “Pertussin 30—Preventive for whooping cough? A pilot study,” The British Homeopathic Journal, April 1987, Vol. 76, p. 61–65.
~lv Fox, A. D. (1987). Whooping cough prophylaxis with pertussin 30. British Homoeopathic Journal, 76(2), 69-70.
~lvi Golden, I. 2010. Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis: A Review of the Risks and Alternatives. 7th Edition. p.194. Isaac Golden Publications.
~lvii Claudia, D. R., Ciara, O. R., Sarah, O. B., & Edward, S. (2012). Homeopathic prophylaxis: suggestion for Vaccination Homeopathic Protocol. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 4, 36.

Lisa was amazing to work with during my third pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Lisa is very knowledgeable and professional. Every visit felt like we were chatting with a friend. Lisa has a way of making you feel safe and loved. Lisa not only listens but she offers encouragement. She takes time to get to know you and your family. The support and gentle guidance during birth were fantastic!
Tracy C.
My husband and I were looking for a specific type of midwife. She must be caring, have a sense of humor, has a connection to our Creator, trustworthy, knowledgeable, experienced and professional. After searching the area and praying about who would be the best choice to help bring my angel into the world, Lisa was exactly the midwife we were looking for. I looked forward to visits with Lisa during my pregnancy. She kept me calm and relaxed even though this was my first. Labour was enjoyable and there was laughing and talking, which was right for my husband and I. We had a very healthy girl and Lisa exceeded our wishes and we will be calling her up for our next home birth.
Laura V.
Charlotte, NC
Lisa was the midwife for the birth of my daughter. My husband and I had decided against a hospital birth after the births of our other 2 children in hospitals. We desired a more natural and personal experience and that is exactly what we got. Lisa was like a trusted friend throughout my pregnancy. She made me feel at ease and comfortable with every step. When it came time for the birth, everything progressed according to our birthing plan. I felt cared for and safe. Lisa was encouraging and knowledgeable- she talked me through each step and took excellent care of my baby when she was born. Having Lisa as a midwife, for me, was different than a doctor because I felt like I got all of the knowledge and care that a doctor would give, but all of the encouragement and love of a friend.
Amanda P.
Fort Mill, SC
My family is so thankful for Lisa. I have delivered two babies under her care and they were both very healthy with peaceful births. Lisa helped me feel comfortable going through my first pregnancy. At the traditional doctor’s office, I felt like a cog being pushed through the system and hooked up to one machine after another. With both pregnancies, I likely would have been pushed into inductions and even C-sections because my babies weren’t ready to be born at 40 weeks. Instead, I was able to have 2 natural birth deliveries for 2 very healthy babies.
Jennifer G.
Charlotte, NC
I found Lisa during my third trimester after searching for many weeks for a midwife who would accept and support my plan for giving birth to my second child at home. Once my husband and I met her, we both shared the same feeling that she would be the perfect midwife to assist us with our home birth. She is very knowledgeable about the care of the mother and child during pregnancy and makes appropriate suggestions when needed without leaving you feeling powerless over your options and decisions.
Felicia H.
Charlotte, NC