Before deciding to give birth at home you should always gather as much information as possible on the topic and consult very closely with the respective specialists, doctors or a midwife. Let’s first look at some key points you have to consider before you decide on your home birth.
How do you prepare for a home birth?
If you are pregnant without complications, you can choose to give birth at home. Take the advice of a midwife, who will advise you to whether you can give birth at home. Home birth must be well prepared. Discuss in detail with the midwife all possible scenarios, including those that would involve problems, so you know what to expect. It is this same midwife who will bring the necessary medical equipment on the day of birth, and who will assist you throughout the birth.
Here are 10 tips for your Homebirth:
- Have A birth plan
- Listen to your Midwife
- Having your partner or husband involved
- Learn how to take direction under stress
- Have your loved ones be peaceful
- Be prepared (birth classes) and know the different stages of childbirth
- Be an active participant in your home birth session
- Keep your partner close to you during birth
- Do whatever you want to keep your space peaceful, music, etc..
- Give birth your way, feel what you need to do
Is Homebirth for You?
There are many reasons why some future mothers choose to give birth at home:
- The desire to have more freedom and the need to have an active role in the birth of her child
- The desire to build confidence in herself
- Having previous traumatic childbirth in maternity care centers or hospitals
- Fear of hospitals and the refusal to have an over-medicalized childbirth
- Wanting specific people to attend her birth, and not go at it alone
- The desire to fully take part in this experience at home and to welcome the baby into this world
Just to name a few.
The choice of giving birth at home is not possible for all mothers. The development of your pregnancy and over-all health determines this possibility, which is reserved for low-risk pregnancies and deliveries.
It is essential to consult a midwife during pregnancy. They can tell you if you can consider giving birth at home.

Here are 10 Tips for Having a Great Homebirth.
1.Have A Birth Plan
Write a birth plan in which you explain how you would like things to happen. It’s a good way for you to take grasp of how you want things to go. If, for example, you do not wish to birth on your back, write it down. In any case, be realistic in your desires.
2. Being on the same page with your midwife
Consult with your Midwife about your desired Birth Plan, point by point, to make sure that things can be done properly. Make sure your midwife shares exactly the same vision as you.
3. Having your partner or husband more involved
Your partner should be on board 100%, they must know your wishes in order to be able to support you on the birthing day and to ensure that the Midwife will lead the birth in the desired direction. This will allow her to answer questions for you, support you and facilitate communication before and during the birth process
4. Let the Midwife Facilitate the Process
If you have been followed by the same midwife during your pregnancy, this is your advocate. You have built a relationship of trust with her and her presence on the birthing day will reassure you as she knows you, knows best what to do and knows exactly what you want.
5. Be Surrounded by People That Won’t Upset You
There have been many times when mommy’s thought it best to have their mothers in the room when they birth. Most of the time, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Mom’s are always moms, and you are always their little girl. Nine times out of ten they are going to make things uncomfortable by trying to be the overseer-of-all-things-good for her daughter, instead of a support system.

6. Be Prepared (classes) and Know the Different Stages of Childbirth
In order for your birth to take place in serenity and as safe as possible environment, make good preparation. Learn about the different stages of childbirth. Being informed will give you a certain peace of mind in the face of events. This will save you from panic, fear and will give you control over the situation. Make Childbirth Classes a priority.
7. Be an active participant in your home birth session
During a home birth, you have more control and more freedom than hospital birth. Keep in mind that you will still have to listen to your midwife for the important steps during delivery and especially if any issues arise. If you don’t feel comfortable with certain steps while giving birth inform your midwife and she will make the needed changes or decide what would be best for the situation.
8. Make Sure Your Partner is Close to You During Birth
During home birth, you would want and need to stay connected with your partner. You manage and overcome contractions together, you share moments of intimacy. Ask if it is possible that your husband or partner can be involved in the birthing process and even help in delivery.
9. Keep Your Peacefulness with Relaxing Music
Try to recreate an atmosphere that makes your home a better and comforting place. Music is a good way to do that. Make up your playlist, pick songs that carry you, songs that give you strength, and loop them around on the big day.
10. Feel What Your Body Wants
You may already know that the lying down position, called gynecological, or missionary, is the worst position to give birth, but it is the best position for the gynecologist since you find yourself at a good height. In some hospitals, you won’t have options other than this, or you’ll have to fight to be allowed to give birth in another position. That’s why it’s so important that your midwife and your partner are on the same page as you are as to allow you to choose a birth position that is comfortable for you..
You are and remain the main actress of your home birth.
Right after the birth, there are routine tests that are done on the baby, but which can be skipped in order to leave you and your baby to recover from the exhaustion. If your baby is well, ask that these checks be postponed so that you can take care of your child and allow some bonding with the baby. The baby also went through quite a bit, offer it as much peace as you’re able.
By opting for a home birth you will be able to postpone all non-mandatory routine examinations after the birth and not be bothered unnecessarily with doctor checks and other hospital protocol. Your midwife will do what is needed and will leave you and your baby to rest after the birth. She will be there to only offer support and help you in case the need arises.