There’s always a ton of questions, especially when it’s your first baby. Don’t worry, natural childbirth is exactly what your body is meant to do. Please ask any questions you may have, we want to be helpful as we possibly can. These are some of the more common questions I get asked regarding natural childbirth. If you have other questions that you think should be posted here please email us and we will be glad to consider posting them.
The Top 6 Questions People Also Ask
Are midwives legal in South Carolina?
Absolutely! However, be sure to check that you are working with a licensed midwife. Some other considerations might be:
How long has my midwife been in practice?
How many births has she done?
Are there testimonials I can read?
Also, get to know your midwife and make sure it’s the right fit for you.
Should I have a birth plan?
That’s completely up to you, but many moms do feel more comfortable when they kind of have an idea of what her needs might be during labor. Also, ask your midwife on what is practical and ideal.
Here are a few things to consider for your home birth plan:
Which family member will be present?
Do you want a Doula? Here are some interesting facts in regards to a Doula.
Where will your children be during labor?
Are you wanting to delay the cord clamping for the baby to stay completely connected longer?
Do you want skin-to-skin contact right after birth?
Do you wish to breastfeed?
What activities or possible positions do you want?
Who will keep your water bottle full?
Do you want smells or music?
What are some plans like childcare in case of an emergency?
Of course, your list can be much longer than this. Additional info on a birth plan can be found here. No birth is quite the same, nor are the needs of a mom. Keep your birth plan at hand while you’re carrying baby, you’ll come up with ideas that you’ll want to jot down. Even off-the-cuff things like having your favorite episode of “Yellowstone” playing in the background. You can always change things that are not needed later.
How much does a midwife cost?
Like anything you buy in the world, prices vary. Newer midwives or midwives that aren’t very busy may be cheaper than a midwife who gives high quality care and has many happy clients. You get what you pay for in any industry. I always recommend to do your due diligence and find out who you are working with. Costs will usually vary anywhere between $3,500 and $5,500. That price range may not include additional services like Doula or water birth, or even unexpected high-risk delivery situations.
Is it cheaper to give birth with a Midwife?
Potentially you can receive a very considerable savings. Of course, it would have to be assumed that your birth goes without a hitch. If your birth becomes a high-risk situation you have to deal with a hospital, nonetheless. Hopefully you have some sort of insurance to cover any unexpected situation that may arise.
Can you have a homebirth in North Carolina?
The laws in North Carolina are a bit outdated. You can actually have a baby at home, but without any assistance. I know, pretty crazy. So, the bottom line is no. However, you may have options available. Give us a call.
How many pregnancies end up being high-risk?
For most all women, pregnancy and birth has a normal expected outcome. In some cases, women will have a medical situation with their health or an unforeseen circumstance with the health and/or safety of their baby. This considered a high-risk pregnancy.
High-risk factors result in approximately 6 percent to 8 percent of all pregnancies. This type of complicated birth is quite serious and does require a hospital specialist’s care to make sure the birth has the best available result.